You are an elderly woman who one day realized you are in contempt with your life and decided the best solution is chaos.  Upon which you decided that the best weapon suited for this task is, you guessed it, a banana. Well-armed you go cause havoc in the streets with these potassium-filled yellow objects of pure destruction.

How to Play:

Figure it out 5 head  ............ I'm Sorry.

Actually How to Play:

Movement - WASD/Arrow Keys          Banana - SpaceBar

Bananas get thrown in one of the 8 directions you are facing.

 Destroy objects and buildings to rack up as much score as you can as you cause mayhem. In doing so The police will be on your tail and you must either avoid or throw a banana at them. If the police catch you, you are immediately detained and lose. How much chaos can you cause before your caught?


Grama with a 15 MB
Grama Game 15 MB

Install instructions

Please extract the game and then run the application that says "Grama With A Banana" Done!

Development log

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Pogey wogey

(1 edit)
